First of all Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali From the entire team of Hiyaa’s Vet Clinic!

First of all Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali From the entire team of Hiyaa’s Vet Clinic!

Diwali disasters affect pets, homeless and families ones alike. Animals have a level of hearing and crackers sound might upset your furry family members. Here is how you can ensure a safe and happy Diwali: • Do not ignore your pets nature. • Let them run to comfortable hiding places because the sound of crackers are not natural and it causes immense stress to the pets. • Keep your pets indoors, do not tie them in gardens or take them for a walk. • Use pet-friendly crackers because it is not possible to put a stop to the cracker bursting so be a little compassionate. • You should ensure that you are always around your pet • You should make sure that your pet is not hungry or thirsty •…
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